Saturday, October 16, 2010

1 Day till Marathon - Getting Ready!

Got up and went for a little 2 mile jog around downtown Charlottetown. It was a beautiful calm morning in PEI, unlike the blizzard wind conditions last night. I ran down Queen St. to Peaks Quay and back. Just enough to stretch my muscles and take in the morning fresh air. Here is my view as I ran along the water this morning. How could you not want to take up this sport! Get up really early even before the sun has risen and be the first to take in the still water views!
I went back to the hotel and got the rest of the lazy heads out of bed and then we went over to the Kids Spud Run, where all the kids got a chance to participate in a 1 km fun run around the track. Sophie and Nana did the race. It was Sophie's first race and she ran the whole way by herself at 3 years old, 1km in 7mins 59 secs.
 The clock says 8.14 but we had to a retake action shot because people were in the way and we couldn't see Sophie in the picture but she did complete it in under 8 mins! Super Star!

Then we headed over the race kit pick up and trade show, logged out chip, picked up a few goodies like a new shirt, some gus and a hat! Off to eat some pasta and then back to the hotel room for a rest.
I spent the afternoon visiting some old friends here on the island and now I'm sitting in the hotel room getting all my stuff ready for tomorrow morning. WOW I had no idea the amount of stuff you need to remember to do before a run. This list is unbelievable when you think about it. All I"m doing tomorrow is running...but there is a science to it.
To start off with, I decided to have a nice hot bath to soak my muscles for tomorrow. Aaah that felt good!
Called for a wake up call at 5am, I asked for two cups of hot water to be left outside my door at 5am too, I'm sure the hotel staff think I'm nuts but we will need to have our hot cereal as soon as we get up so we have time to digest and go to washroom before the race. A friend of mine who has run 93 marathons told me you don't want your body using it's energy to digest your food while you are running, you want that to be finished with before you start running so that you can benefit from the carbs in your breakfast. Makes sense, glad she told me that, I'll get up for 5 am to do that!
Now to get all my stuff ready, some of the stuff I can have ready and waiting like my bib number attached, chip timer attached, watch, head band, socks, sneakers, ipod etc. but for clothes! What will I wear?
If you look at the weather network work it looks like we will be swimming to the finish line!
8am 10°C Cloudy with showers Cloudy with showers
9am 10°C Light rain Light rain
10am 10°C Light rain Light rain Sunshine Destinations
11am 10°C Light rain Light rain Attractions Forecast
12pm 10°C Light rain Light rain

Positives are that it's not cold, negatives...I really haven't run in the rain so I'm not sure what to expect! I guess that day way back in August when it was poring rain and thundering, I should of gone outside and ran just so I could experience running in the rain. But I'm sure to find out tomorrow what it's all about. Much like the old saying 'I"m singing in the rain, I'm singing in the rain...what a wonderful feeling to be running in the rain!!'
I hope to keep my fans posted on my progress on Facebook, so feel free to send me a message. I'll probably see it!!
P.S. THANKS - so many thank you to send out to my family, friends, fans and supporters, I really couldn't of done this if it wasn't for a group effort from all of you supporting me, encouraging me, praising me and just loving me!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I truly appreciate each and every one of you.

P.S.S. I'll let you know tomorrow afternoon if and when I start training for my next one!!! :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

2 Days till Marathon - On our way to the Island

Even though it hasn't stopped raining all morning we aren't discouraged about race day. We are hopeful that race day will bring out a little sunshine and mild winds. Who knows, as the weather man has changed the forecast about 6 times in the last week. I'm preparing for all types of weather. I have everything from my bikini to a winter coat pack for race day and we won't know till 5am Sunday morning how we should dress.
We are all packed up, loaded into the truck and ready to head for the Island. It's pouring rain with 60 km winds, we can hardly keep straight on the road, the wind is so strong. I'm expecting to see ducks on the side of the road soon!! Still a few more days till race day so hopefully the rain and high winds will pass soon.
We will stop on the way to the Island to enjoy a big spaghetti dinner as it's carbo loading time and we need to fuel our body for the run.
Oh, I thought I'd tell you too that Dad and I may be featured in the Guardian, PEIs local newspaper tomorrow. Here is a copy of the article that was submitted.

Founding organizer of the PEI Marathon visits the Island to run her first marathon with her 67 year old father
Charlottetown, PEI, October 15, 2010 — Laura Booker one of the founding organizers of the PEI Marathon visits the Island this weekend to run her first marathon. Accompanying her is her running coach/father Phil Booker (age 67), former President of Run NB.
Laura grew up running with her father and participated in the Run NB road races series. ‘It’s hard not to take up the sport of running when your dad is running a 5/10km race or a marathon almost every weekend.’ says Laura.
While living in Stratford, PE, Laura was asked to be a member of the founding organizing committee that brought the PEI Marathon to life in 2005. Responsible for the water stations, Laura can remember getting up at 3 am to drive out to the start line of the marathon to set up the 14 water stations that would service the many runners that morning. ‘I will definitely be thanking all the volunteers along the race on Sunday, as I know it takes a lot of dedication and teamwork to put on an event such as a marathon.’ says Laura.
Earlier this year Laura’s husband Dan Amyot was diagnosed with a case of life threating melanoma skin cancer, which has since been removed. However, it got Laura thinking about how life is short and we have to take advantage of all the wonderful opportunities life has for us. Laura has always wanted to run a marathon with her dad and decided that she had better hurry up and get training or her 67 year old father Phil would not be in a position to so for much longer.
‘I jumped off the couch this past April, called my father and asked if he would like to run a marathon and coach me from a far. Of course he said yes, and that it would be perfect timing to run the Prince Edward Island Marathon in the middle of October.’ says Laura.
For the last six months Laura has been training for her first marathon in Ottawa, ON and blogging about her experiences each day on her blog A Daughter’s Running Journal On this blog you will find the trials and tribulations Laura experienced while training for her first marathon and the advice her father gave her along the way. Her coach/father Phil Booker has been running for over 20 years and has run 26 marathons including Boston 4 times. He has been coaching and guiding Laura throughout the process and answering any questions she had during her training. ‘I’m so proud of my daughter Laura for the time and dedication she has put into getting ready for this race and I’m happy to be accompanying her on her first marathon.’ says Phil.
Laura is excited to be back in PEI this weekend to take part in the race festivities and hopes to see many people out cheering on all the runners. Grateful for the support and encouragement she received from her family and friends over the last few months, Laura looks forward to crossing the finish line after taking in 26.2 miles of beautiful PEI scenery. One exciting thing about running a marathon is that no matter the age, training and/or conditioning one never knows what the outcome will be.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

3 Days till Marathon - 6 miles with Dad

So Dad and I decided we would go out and do a marathon simulation this morning. Pretend that we were running the marathon and figure out how we would pace ourselves at the beginning, middle and end of the marathon. All went well and we ran an easy 10 km in 58 mins. We were able to test out our start pace of 10.5 min/mile and get into the groove or our 9 min/mile race pace. We played around with our gus and blocks for replenishing our electrolytes, figure out what socks we will wear, if we will need a hat, gloves and/or coat!
A few goals we have for ourselves are these:
1. Make sure we finish together, hand in hand as we cross the finish line.
2. Run the marathon in less than 4 hours and 15 mins so Dad can qualify for Boston one last time
3. Run the marathon in under 4 hours, it would be so cool to be able to break 4 hours
4. Run the marathon in under 3:40, and qualify for Boston myself - fat chance but it's on the list...
Lots of stuff to consider when getting ready for a marathon. So many things that I had to make a check list so I won't forget anything.
Running your first marathon is like having your first baby, everyone wants to share their experiences, everyone has an opinion and everyone try to tell you what to do. All I can say, is that I'm expecting a unique experience that no one can prepare for as much as I have so... here it goes!! :) We will find out soon enough!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

7 Days till Marathon - Pumped and ready to rock the Island!

Since it's Thanksgiving this weekend I am reminded to give thanks for achieving the running success and minimal injury to date. I have 7 days left till the PEI marathon and I'm packing my bag now and getting ready to head to New Brunswick to spend the week with my parents before the run. Dad and I will have a chance to run a few times before the race to get use to each other and I'll be able to have a good rest and prepare well in advance for the big day.
Today's run went very smooth, it was a bit windy and cool but overall a great fall run. Beautiful fall colors surrounded me as I made my way down the newly paved path. Oh yah, did I forget to tell you, the city paved the running path along the river last week and now it's smooth as a baby's bum! More bikers on the trail now but less opportunity to twist an ankle.
Today's Stats: 6 miles, 9.75 km, in 55:08 mins, avg pace 5:39 /km, avg speed 10.6 km/h burned 881 cal
Today's Weather:
SAT Oct. 09, 2010 11:00am  A few clouds Temp 7 Wind NW 20 Humidity 57
Listened To: my default Power of Now, can't get enough to Tolle, he put me in a stat of mind or no mind that make running feel like I'm floating on clouds :)

P.S. If anyone has some pre marathon tips I should take into consideration....I'd love to hear from you.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

20 Days till Maraton - still able to run!

Today I had to force myself to pull it together and run. I only had a little 3 miler to do but after yesterday I thought I would never run was all good. I did the 5 km slow but steady. Decided to run on the treadmill in case I couldn't make it back to the house! lol Everything went fine. I ran for 30 mins, got over the 'I'll never run again...comments running in my head' and now it back to a steady 3 weeks of training. Scared my dad a bit. He was worried I didn't run the long run on Sunday but we finally connected this morning and I reassured him that come hell or high water I am running this marathon!!! There is no way, I'm going to all this effort to not run it! I have so many great supporters such as my daughter Sophie, who does yoga stretches with me every morning before heading out the door, Daniel who encourages me to do my run when I really really don't want to and to all my readers who send me little notes of encouragements here and there. I will not let you down!! PEI Marathon here I come...:)

Monday, September 27, 2010

21 Days till Marathon - Dead

I think I've died and gone to runners h___! I can't move, I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't think! Thank goodness for the loving hugs from Sophie all day today or I think I would be under a rug somewhere. Wow, I have never felt like this before. I must be dehydrated or hungry! So hungry that I can't bring myself to eat. I don't think I was actually able to do anything useful till 4pm today. I feel my strength slowly coming back. Wow, I need to read up on what my body wants after a marathon as I definitely neglected to give it. I'll go to bed early tonight and look forward to a good steady run tomorrow. Only 3 weeks left till D day!! Excited. 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

22 Days till Marathon - Long Run check!

I did it!! I did it!! Felt pretty good too. I ran 36km today. Left the house around 8:30am it was 10 degrees out. It just finished raining so I was happy I didn't have to many puddle to run through. There is not much I say about the run other than I just kept putting one foot in front of the other and I eventually made it back home. At the end of the run I felt like I could keep running with little extra effort so I'm confident I will do well on race day.
The real lesson came when I fainted in the shower after my run. I had a unique experience in that, I decided to go take my bath and shower after my run before eating anything. BIG MISTAKE! I laid in the bath for about 10mins and then decided to finish off with a shower. I stood up and just had time to catch myself on the window handle before collapsing back to the bottom of the tub. It took me another 15mins to gather the energy to get back up again. I took a really cold shower to allow me to function and then finally crawled out of the bathtub. What did I, eat, eat after and even during the race. Or even better yet, eat more carbs a few days out from my run. Underestimated the amount of carbs I would need. It was a scary experience but I'm glad to have learned it on my training run. At least I didn't throw up like a few people I know.
Today's Stats: 22 miles, 34.94 km in 3:46:24, avg pace 6:29 /km, avg speed 9.3 km/h burned 3106 cal, avg heart rate 160 bpm, max heart rate 221 bpm
Weather: partly sunny, 12 degrees nice morning for a run
Listened To: Power of Now - I was in the moment of NOW the whole time!

Friday, September 17, 2010

31 days left till Marathon - rest day :)

So I've been hearing from a lot of runners and personal trainers that I need to have rest days. The program I have been following doesn't allow for rest days but does tapper down the runs for some easy 2 milers here and there. I have actually grown a custom to running everyday and feel like something is off if I haven't ran. But I do see their point and I will try and take at least 1 to 2 rest days each week in these last few weeks before the marathon.
Last night I attended a presentation by Lara Kaplan who is originally from South Africa and has ran over 90 marathons. She was speaking on what to do in the last 2 weeks before your marathon and how to prepare. Loads of good advice and things I never thought of yet, like rest, carb building, laying out clothes, equipment, first 5 mile strategy etc. Can't wait to look into all of this over the next month as the day approach for the marathon.

I'm hoping to run the Canada Army Run - Half Marathon this Sunday so I guess it's a good things that I do a little resting today and save my energy for the race.
Hope you all have a great weekend and for those of you who are inspired and encouraged to start running...stop thinking about it and just go out and do it. Remember, I could hardly run around the block for the first two weeks I started and now look at me. If I can do it so can you. Believe in yourself!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

32 Days till Marathon - is it cold or hot?

I guess I'm learning how to run in all types of weather!!! When I run I usually run with the least amount of clothing as possible. My ideal outfit would be a tank top and shorts. However, this morning it was a little to cold for that so I had to wear a 3/4 length spandex and a running shell over my tank top. By the 2 mile I was sweating bullets!! Not to mention I forgot to put on my head band so the sweat was dripping in my eyes. No matter how much experience you have at dressing yourself to go for a run, it never surprises me how you can not be prepared. I do hope that it's warm enough to wear only a tank top and shorts on marathon day, but that is another month away and along the ocean so I doubt it! I don't want extra clothes weighing me down or have to carry them. These days I don't know how to dress, when you leave the house and it's hovering around 10 degrees and it feels super cold standing on my front porch, it could be totally different from 2 miles down the road when I have my heart rate up and the morning sun is shinning on my face. One thing I know is that I have to get a pair of running gloves. I don't like having cold hands.
Today's Stats: 4 miles, 6.43k, my watched stopped so I don't have all the break downs for today :(
THU Sept 16, 2010 8:00am Partly cloudy Temp 9 Wind E 11   Humidity 93
Listened to: Bobby Brant -  track 3 Audio Book called EXTRA

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

33 days till Marathon

33 days left till I run my first marathon - PEI Marathon, I'm getting really excited. My training has been following the course it should be and I've managed to get my avg km pace under 6 mins mostly running 5:35 avg km, which is ideal as Dad and I just went over the race strategy for the marathon and we want to make sure that we reach our target of under 4:15, as that is what Dad needs to qualify for the Boston Marathon. We used a really cool tool called a Marathon Pace Calculator found at It allowed us to punch in difference finish times and would give us our avg pace and the time to be at for each km. Great tool!
Today was a great day, I felt good. Ran out to beach and back today. Just a little 10km run, filled my lungs with the morning air and sailed through each km. My time wasn't as good as my time at Beauchamp Chiropractic Wellness Run last Sunday, I ended up running with a seasoned marathoner and was pushed a little bit harder than normal and did the run in 51mins and change. At least I know I'm capable of more, now it's just to be able to push myself during my training runs.
Today's Stats: 6.2 miles, 9.97km in 55:37, avg pace 5:35/km, avg speed 10.8 km/h burned 895 cal

Weather: WED SEPT 15, 2010 8:00am A few cloudsTemp 8
WindW 11 Humidity 100
Listened to: Ester and Jerry Hicks - The Astonishing Power of Emotions, my run is my daily meditation time, it's great to add a channeled audio to the mix!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 94

Today's Stats: 6 miles, 9.79 km in 57:28, avg pace 5:52/km, avg speed 10.2 km/h burned 838cal

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 93

Today's Stats: 5 miles, 6.45 km in 37:36, avg pace 5:50/km, avg speed 10.3 km/h burned 565cal

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 87

Today's Stats: 5 miles, 6.45 km in 38:47, avg pace 6:01/km, avg speed 10.0 km/h burned 528 cal

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 83

Today's Stats: 3miles, 4.60km in 25.44, avg pace 5:36/km, avg speed 10.7 km/h burned 397cal

Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 82 - Playing BIG!

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
The above speech by Nelson Mandela was orignally written by Marianne Williamson who is the author of other similar material." ~ Marianne Williamson

FRI August 20, 2010 7:00am A few clouds Temp 11  Wind NW 6   Humidity 94

Today's Stats: 3 miles, 4.84 km in 29:11, avg pace 6:02 /km, avg speed 10.0 km/h burned 409 cal
Listened to: The Power of Now - just can't get enough of it!! :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 81 - Persistence

Even though I was in a tonne of pain last night and hardly slept, I forced myself to go out for a run as I knew it would feel good to loosen all those muscles that were tightening up from the run the day before. I guess running daily has taught me a lot about being persistent. Not only do you have to fight through the challenges of time, health, physique, other people, but also the mental voice in your head fighting you everyday trying to convince you that you don't have to go out running today. I've learned so far that if you set yourself up for success, in other words, plan ahead, know what you are capable of and know what you want to accomplish, create the environment that will help you achieve the next step or next goal, anything is possible. I make sure I have my clothes laid out and ready for the next day's run, I go to bed early and I make sure I do my run first thing before anything else happens that day so I can enjoy my day full of energy and satisfaction. For any of you out there wishing you were dedicating daily workout time to yourself, keep this in mind. If a busy person like me can do it, anyone can do it. I started running and I could hardly make it around the block the first time out. There is hope!! Be persistent!
THU August 19, 2010 9:00 am A few clouds Temp 18 Wind SW 9  Humidity 88

Today's Stats: 4 miles, 6.53 km in 38:47, avg pace 5:56 /km, avg speed 10.1 km/h burned 575 cal
Listened to: second half of Deepak Chopra & Dr. Wayne Dyer - How to Get what you Really Want - there are some very wise people out there...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 80 - I run everyday!

I thought I'd write about running everyday. Some people ask me why I run everyday, some say ' hey I didn't see your post today, did you run?' , some say ' shouldn't you have a rest day'! - There are 2 reasons why I run everyday! One is that, in the training program I'm following in Fred Lebow' s book ' Complete Book of Running & Fitness' it has a sure fire proof plan on how to run a 3:30-4:00 marathon runner at a 10K race pace and if these guys have done it than I can too! The second reason is that, mentally I just can't miss a day, if I let myself miss one day, I leave room to let myself miss another and so on and I will get off course. (I proved that last time I got off track a few weeks ago) So the moral of the story is to make sure I run everyday. Today was a weird day, I got up late having worked late last night so I was tiered. I would of had to push Sophie in the stroller 6 miles and just the thought of doing the run and then pushing 50lbs on top of that was not comforting. So I finally crawled out the door at 6:30pm when Dan took Sophie to Isabelle's soccer game. Oh yes, I had an hour to myself. For all you mothers out there, take the time for you!! It's so worth it. So just to confirm, if you don't see my posts everyday, don't fret!! I am still running everyday no fail! I've just let myself off the hook about writing everyday. It's not easy to get time alone at the computer....if you know what I mean :) To all you followers out there, reach out and touch base. I love hearing from you. :)
WED August 18th, 2010 6:30pm A few clouds Temp 23 Wind SW 13 Humidity 50

Today's Intention: to get my ass out the door, delayed long enough
Today's Stats: 6 miles, 9.70 km in 57:47, avg pace 5:57 /km, avg speed 10.1 km/h burned 860 cal
Listened to: Deepak Chopra & Dr. Wayne Dyer - How To Get What You Really Want - great stuff!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 77 - pour down on me!

Today was one of those days that you wish won't happen on a Sunday. The day us runners have to do our long runs. I woke up to the sound of thunder and  lighting outside my bedroom window. I thought I was still dreaming, or maybe it was the middle of the night. But no, it was 8am time to get up. I waited and waited for the weather to clear up so I could go out for my run. I finally decided to venture outside to tackle my 14 mile run when I got half way down the highway to my destination the rain and lightening started again. So I turned around and started back home. I was telling myself what a great excuse to get out of running that far today. But then remembered I have no excuses as I have a treadmill downstairs that I can run on. So that is where I did my run today, on my treadmill in front of the tv. For 2 and half hours I ran and watched a couple movies and a few shows, it was great!! Not as bad as I thought it would be. But I do prefer running outside as appose to inside in front of the tv.
Today's Stats: 2 hours and 20 mins on tread mill

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 75 - Children See. Children Do.

My princess Sophie came running with me today. I had no one to watch her while I went for my run so I loaded her into the Chariot and she came with! She had a great time, got some fresh air first thing in the morning and had so many questions. It was hard to run and answer all her questions at the same time.  She was fascinated with all the people, dogs, and even little rabbits that we saw along the trail. One thing that is great about sharing this running and training process with our children is that they learn from us. Sophie does yoga and stretches with me every morning and asks me if I'm going running. She greets me when I come back from my run every morning and asks why I'm all wet! She can finally remember now after a few weeks that it's actually sweat and not water!
Here is a little video to remind you that our children learn from us. Children See. Children Do.
Choose what you would like them to see!
Today's Stats - 5 miles, 8.05 km in 49:12, avg pace 6:07 /km, avg speed 9.8 km/h burned 769 cal

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 74 - paying the price

The run today started out pretty slow. I had to get my muscles warmed up to the idea. I was really stiff from the 6 miles I did yesterday because stupidly I didn't stretch after my run yesterday! I was pressed for time and had to get to a business meeting and cut out my stretching time so I could get there on time. I guess I'll have to get up earlier :( If I don't stretch, all the muscles in my back, lower back, ham strings, hip flexors etc. seize up. It gets to the point I can't even bend over to pick something up. I am getting stronger but the daily yoga and stretching are a must for me to be able to stay supple and mobile. I had to pay the price for veering off the routine...have I learned my lesson? I guess we will see!
Today's Goal: to survive - I could hardly move this morning! I didn't stretch after running yesterday and I felt it today. 
Today's Stats: 4 miles, 6.46 km in 39:43, avg pace 6:09 /km, avg speed 9.8 km/h burned 562 cal
THU Aug 12, 2010 7:00am Partly cloudy Temp 16 Wind E 13 Humidity 88

Listened to: Bobby Bryant, 'Extra' program - track 3

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 73 - Hypnotic Running

During my run today I listened to Dr. Wayne Dyer's Hypnosis track, it is a beautiful melody of sounds of nature, chimes etc. and the melody itself is very soothing. I listened to it during my run and I think I put myself pretty much in a hypnotized stat. My run was really fun, I felt conscious in my body and rarely experiences any amount of pain as I pushed myself hard and further during the run. It worked out well as my avg pace was the best so far on a 10 km run. And who wouldn't want that with a little or no pain! Maybe I'll save this track for the last few miles of my marathon, hypnotize my way to the finish line!! :)
Today's Stats: 6 miles, 9.67 km in 57:16, avg pace 5:55 /km, avg speed 10.1 km/h burned 841 cal
Listened to: Hypnosis - Dr. Wayne Dyer (it was like I hypnotized myself to feel no pain during the run, it was cool!)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 72 - friendly running

Today's run was with a good friend of mine who originally got me back into running and taking care of my body. She wanted to start working out again and getting in shape so I invited her to run with my this morning. We went out and did a little 2km, so she could get back in the grove of cardio. It was a great time and we enjoyed eachother's company. Then we went inside and had a great big healthy breakfast!! Need to have those days every once and awhile.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 71 - Habit of setting daily goals

Having a GPS watch is great as I'm able to do my runs from anywhere and keep track of my distances. Running in Montreal this morning I achieved another personal best! avg pace of 5:39 /km this is great. I wasn't even trying, I just went out running and voila it happened! I don't look at my watch very often during a run, I guess I should change that approach so that I'm consciously striving to push the limit in my level of improvement. Who knows where I'll end up if I actually set mini goals within my big goal of running a marathon. I need to plan it out before my run and set goals on a daily basis and stop going with the flow. From now on, I will give you my intended result for the daily run and compare it to the actual stats. This will be interesting as in my training manual it says to do my daily runs 'easy'. I will be challenging this slightly as I'm sure I'm strong enough to push myself a little harder than usual. The trick will be to not injure myself.
Today's Stats: 3 miles, 4.96 km in 27:57, avg pace 5:39 /km, avg speed 10.6 km/h burned 434 cal
Listened To: Wayne Dyer, audio book: How to Have Conscious Contact with God

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 70 - Slow and steady

Slow and steady gets you through the 3 miles the day after running 19 km. This morning I didn't feel to soar or tiered. I was surprised as I thought for sure I wouldn't even be able to budge. I did however not feel like running this morning. So, I made sure as soon as I got up and did my little 3mile just to get it out of the way. It was actually very relaxing and a good way to loosen up all those muscles. Everything is tiered today so I'll have a big rest day and get ready for the week ahead. Another big week of running 37 miles.
SUN August 8, 2010 9:00am Partly cloudy Temperature 19 Wind SW 6 Humidity 88

Today's Stats: 3 miles, 4.90 km, 32:43, avg pace 6:41 /km, avg speed 9.0 km/h burned 415 cal
Listened to: the book - The Secrets of Power Negotiating - found out I do this naturally but good to know the process

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 69 - one with nature

So I completed my second long run this morning where I was able to improve my avg pace once again, when comparing the speed to last week's long run. That is good because it was a little difficult nearing the end of the 19 km this morning. One thing I really didn't like is that today's run was the first time I actually carried a bottle of water with me. I've always just drank alot of water before going out on my run and then filled up when I got back but this time, since I was going 19 km, I didn't want to risk it and the smart thing to do is to hydrate throughout the run. So I carried the bottle of water. While I definitely hated doing that! I use my arms alot to get my rhythm while running and I was totally restricted by being weighted over by water on one side. I also didn't like it swishing back and forth. So I finally broke down after my run and when and bought a water belt. Where I can have 4 smaller bottles around my waist while I'm running. I'll try it out next week and see how it goes. Other than the water issue, I had a beautiful run. I decided since I had to run such a long distance I should have a nice view to look at, so I went down the Ottawa Canal and ran along there and the Ottawa River, it was really beautiful and made me truly appreciate the beautiful city we live in. I was one with nature.
SAT August 7, 2010 9:00am A few clouds Temp 15 Wind NW 11 Humidity 67

Today's Stats: 12 miles, 19.33 km in 1:59:36, avg pace 6:12 /km, avg speed 9.7 km/h burned 1736 cal.
Listened to: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle - always allows me to be present while running - love it!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 68 - A Personal Best

So again without even really trying, I beat my time today. I had an all time personal best at an avg pace of 5:46 /km, now if you do the math, that would convert to a Marathon Time of, I could actually finish around the 4 hours mark!! But that's keeping the same pace throughout the whole 42 kms. NOT! Time will tell over the next few weeks of training if I'll be able to keep up to my 67 year old dad out on the marathon trail. I have a strong feeling that my mind will try and take over and try and convince me to quiet but I know I'll have my dad for inspiration and encouragement. The goal is to make sure we finish the marathon in 4:15:59 so Dad will qualify for Boston in 2011. As far as I can tell from looking at the race results from the last 5 years, there is no one in their 60's let alone age 67 who has ever run the PEI Marathon. That will be interesting!!

As for women in my age catagory,

In 2009 women in my age group finished the following:
1st - 2:53:22
2nd - 3:30:55
3rd - 3:43:59

I did the Boston Marathon Predictor at

How Much Speed Do I Need To Hit a Boston Qualifying Time?

Your Age:

Your Gender:

I run: miles a week

Results: The slowest you can run and still qualify for the Boston Marathon is 3:40:59. This is a 8:25 per mile pace. If you train at 35 miles per week, you need to run a 5 K in 21:51 which is 7:02 per mile pace.

I'm sure my time will continue to improve the biggest thing as Dad is always reminding me, it not to get hurt. To so lots of stretching and drink lots of water etc. etc.

FRI August 6, 2010 10:00am A few clouds Temp 18 Wind W 26 Humidity 60

Today's Stats: 5 miles, 8.06 km in 46:27, avg pace 5:46 /km, avg speed 10,4 km/h burned 695 cal
Listened to: 101 Power Thoughts by Louise Hay (Affirmations)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 67 - 6am internal alarm

Ok, so now that I'm on the routine of running everyday, my body literally jumps out of bed on it's own. It's like it subconsciously knows that it will be going for a run and is excited to start the day. I tell you about this feeling because I use to crawl out of bed with soreness and stiffness due to lower back pain. And all the western medicine said I needed to take pain pills, anti inflammatory, sleeping pills, arthritis medicine. I stopped taking all over the counter medicine about  4 years ago and decided I would heal my body on it's own. I will take care of my body, watch what I put in it and use alternative medicine and energy healing to get me back to shape. I'm not a 100% there yet but I do want to tell you I notice a huge difference in my pain level, my posture, my physical ability and my energy level. After dealing with these pains for over 11 years, I know what pain is and I say you can beat any pain with just a little hard work and effort to take care of your body!!! So my advice to any of you who are reading my blog is to start taking the first hour of the day for YOU and you will be able to give back 10 fold to the people and things around you.

THU August 5, 2010 8:00am A few clouds Temp 21 Feels Like 29 Wind SW 7 Humidity 94
Today's Stats: 4 miles, 6.43 km, 39:30, avg pace 6:09 /km, avg speed 9.8 km/h burned 560 cal.
Listened to: Bobby Bryant  - just can't get enough and love his message!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 66 - New idea for running wear

Humidity is still a big factor with performance today! I could of done a better time but I guess I'm working on my endurance with this weather...I don't think I have experienced this type of humidity before 94!!. Glad I ran at 8am this morning, I tried to stay in the shade for most of the run but along the river it's open to the whole sky and on top of the humidity was the new morning sun raising, no escaping the heat or the humidity. Normally I'm taking it all in, loving and enjoying all the nature around me while I run but this morning I was almost trying to hide from it.
It was so hot, I actually took my shirt and flipped it up over my boobs and ran with it like that so the air would hit my stomach. Normally I'd be to shy to do that but I didn't care today, I just wanted to be cooler in some way. It seemed to work but made me realize that outfit changes are a must during long runs. You really need to monitor and analyze the weather before a run or you could be hindering your performance.
I wonder if running companies make a female tank top that you can zip off the lower portion and turn it in to a bra tank if need know how you can do that with pants and turn them into shorts...anyway just a suggestion. I would buy one!! :)
WED August 4, 2010 8:00am Partly cloudy Temp 24 Felt like 35 Wind SW 11 Humidity 94

Today's Stats: 6 miles, 9.66 km in 59:40, avg pace 6:11 /km, avg speed 9.7 km/h burned 829 cal
Listened to: Bobby Bryant, 'Extra' track 5 - Awaken - some great stuff, check it out

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 65 - Gotta love humidity!

Can you say humid!!  Wow it was a hot one this mornin'! The run itself wasn't that difficult other than it was really hot and sticky because of the humidity. The temp was 24 but with the humidity at 89 it felt like 34 out. I was hoping for some thunderstorms to cool me off but they didn't come till later in the day. As for my time, I should of pushed it a bit harder as I was 5 secs away from getting under the 38 min mark, I have to start watching my time during my run and pacing myself. Lately I've just been running easy and not pushing to hard. I kind of get carried away with the running while listening to my mp3 player, I love pairing up the motivational messages with my training run, it's like putting a cherry on top!

TUE August 3rd, 2010, 10:00am Partly cloudy Temp 24 Fells like 34 Wind SW 15 Humidity 89
Today's Stats: 4 miles, 6.44 km in 38:05 mins, avg pace 5:55 /km, avg speed 10.1 km/h burned 552 cal
I listened to Extra Program track 3, he was talking about the tests of life and how to stimulate your personal growth. I love his stuff, just finished reading his book 'Your Life Your Choice' - you should check it out!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 64 - Friction!

A new pain developed...back fat! Ever hear of it? lol well because my arms are swinging so fast as I run my little heart out, I'm getting friction irritations on my under arms and back area. I finally remember to put some Vaseline on the area before my run and what a difference. I was hoping the more I ran the skinnier I would get the less friction I would have but I guess I'm running longer distances now so the friction will be there inevitability. I used this really cool product called soothing naturals from Johnson's a sooth & protect balm I had for daughter when she was a baby. Worked like a charm!
MON August 2, 2010 8:00am Partly cloudy Temp 19 Wind S 4 Humidity 78
Today's Stats: 4 miles, 6.44 km in 38:20 mins, avg pace 5:57 /km, avg speed 10.1km/h burned 582 cal

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 63 - quick and dirty!

Quick run today! Improved my time and avg pace, very impressive!! Always love it when I improve just a little bit. It wasn't easy at the end of the run but my endurance will continue to get better. One thing I do need is a good running playlist. At the end of my run today I wanted some good fast beat to help me speed up and my options were limited. I'm putting a call out there for some good running music...any suggestions?

Today's Stats: 3miles, 5.15km in 28:43, avg pace 5:35/km, avg speed 10.7 km/h burned 446 cal

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 62 - Kicking ASS!!

It took me a bit longer to get out the house today to do my run. I wanted to make sure everything was just perfect from the clothes I was wearing to the audio I would listen to. I decided to start with the audio book 'The Power of Now' and then switched to 'The seven habits of highly successful people', these classics never get old to me as, each time I listen to them I learn something new or have a totally different perspective on the lessons.\
As for my run, I kicked ass!!   check out my avg pace - totally respectable!  :)
I was totally siked for my run this morning. I started out slow and steady but really didn't have one pain, issue or dought. I just went out there and did it. The only funny thing that happened is that I underestimated the distance and ended up running in a subdivision for a bit till I found my way out and headed down the highway. Then it was just straight running. Really enjoyed my run this morning and I'm really looking forward to the next few months of training and then of course the grand finally the Marathon with my DAD!!
Woo Hoo!! ok, now for a shower...

SAT July 31, 2010 10:00am Partly cloudy Temp 19 Wind NE 6 Humidity 52
Today's Stats: 10.13 miles, 16.29 km in 1:44:41, avg pace 6:26/km, avg speed 9.3 km/h burned 1480 cal

Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 61 - increasing energy

A relaxing out and back 3 mile run this morning. Getting ready for my long run tomrrow am. I adjusted my training schedule a bit to catch up to be running 35 miles a week this week so I have to put in a 10 mile run tomorrow. I"m not to worried about it, I have lots of motivational audio to keep me going and I'll just take it easy. It won't be a run that I'm looking at my time, just to make sure I have the endurance to finish it. I don't think I lost much endurance from my 5 weeks hiatus because my avg pace time is pretty close to what it was before I had my break. Only time will tell. Today I listened to Anthony Robbins - 'Learn to increase your energy', it was great to hear his perspective on how to increase energy from his 'Living Health' program. A couple of things I learned: cells in your body will function better if you are maximizing your breathing performance, breath in for 1 count, hold for 4 counts, exhale for 2 counts do this 10 time 3 times a day,  and the second thing is to eat water rich foods - 70% of your diet should consist of water based foods like fruit, veggies and sprouts ( I need to work on this one!)
FRI July 30, 2010 8:00am A few clouds Temp 15 Wind N 15 Humidity 63
Today's Stats: 3miles in 30.03, avg pace 9:49/mi, 440 cal

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 60 - weird bruises

Every so often my knees hurt a little from running, but not so much that I would talk about it, as it usually only lasts for a day or so and then goes away. Well this week it's a bit different, I developed bruises on the inner upper part of both of my knees. It's really weird, it's like the muscles got used that normally don't get used and then broke small capillaries around the area due to the extreme exertion. They don't hurt but it looks a little funny! I find the body to be amazing, it's constantly try to communicate to us. Now all we have to do is make sure we are listening...

THU July 29, 2010 8:00 am Clear Temp 17 Wind NW 15 Humidity 68
Today's Stats:5 miles, 8:05 km in 47:40 mins, avg pace 5:55 /km, 10:01 km/h burned 710 km

And talking about listening to our bodies, I must of been feeling pretty good to have a avg pace time of under 6mins/km, woo hoo! Just back at it and already kickin' butt!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 59 - Pre and Post just as important

So finally my muscles are getting use to running again. It's been a few tough days of getting going but once I'm out running, they warm up to the idea of being out on the open road and they start performing. I"m not a 100% back in the routine as I forgot to charge my watch last night so I have no stats for you today, but I assure you I ran my 4 miles exactly as I had paced out the distance earlier this week.
I've been really trying to make sure I focus on my pre and post stretching and strength training, as I secretly would love to someday get some abs! I'm not really putting that out there yet as I want to get through this marathon first and then maybe I'll take on the ab goal! I do however  integrate small little exercises in my routine to wake them up and get them ready for the someday big push on for defining what and if anything actually exist in that mid section!
Anyway, all that to say. The running is going well, I've got that down pretty good now. Just need to integrate all the other little pieces like clean eating, drinking lots of water, rest, daily blogging etc.
Really glad I'm back at it...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 58 - won't do that again!

So running at high noon when the sun is at it's hottest is not the best time to run. I was only doing a little 5 miler so I didn't bring any water with me, big mistake. Plus, I didn't have sun screen on and I brunt my face, so when I was finished running I had an inch wide band across my forehead! Can you say coolio!
My daily routine of running early in the morning got shifted a bit since my mom was in town for one night as a stop over on her way back from Calgary. What we do for our mother's! lol
After not running for a few weeks I really have forgotten all the little things I should be doing to get ready for my dash out the door. I almost forgot to wear my watch today too. I guess I'm just so excited to get out the door.
I do have a confession to make...I walked today. Yes, I know, I know. It's not in my belief system to ever walk, even if I can do a really slow trot, I'll do that before walking but I think it was the heat that brainwashed me into thinking I was still running as it was so super hot out at I think 30 degrees. Anyway, I will take this as a learning opportunity and won't go running at the hottest time of day and little water! :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 57 - inspired & motivated, bring it on!

Have I ever told you that I listen to motivational audio recordings while doing my morning runs? When I first started out running I would try and listen to music and the beat never matched my running pace and that frustrated me more than encouraged me to run faster. So I tried listening to all my favorite personal development heros like Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn etc. and I love it. It's the best of both worlds. I get to workout my body and brain all at the same time.
A friend of mine was telling me that there is a saying out there that 'runners are running way from something...', I like to think I'm running to something, something big bold and ideal future.
Every morning I get to exercise my mind and train it to think and act positive, this fuels me for the rest of the day and allows me to be at my best. It never gets old and I will be the first to say, we need to hear this stuff a few 100 times before we actually apply it to our lives and act on it...this morning I listened to 101 ways to motivate yourself by Tony Robbins...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 56 - Feeling Good!

It's great knowing I'm back at the training. I was feeling pretty good this morning after my 10 km run yesterday. I did my stretching and trotted out the door to do a little 4 miler this morning. As long as I start out slow and pace myself, getting back into the daily training I think will go pretty good. My lungs don't seem to have lost much of their endurance I built up during the first 50 days of training. It's my muscles I'm worried about! I have to make sure I'm stretching and catering to them as much as possible as I do tend to develop inflammation pretty easy.
SUN July 25, 2010 11:00am Partly cloudy Temp 20 Wind NW 22 Humanity 64
Today's Stats: 4 miles, 6.44km in 42:46 mins, avg pace 6:39 /km, avg speed 9.0km/h, burned 558 cal. My time is not what it use to be but I'm sure after a couple of weeks back at it I'll get my avg pace back to 6 /km.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 55 - Back at it!

I'm back, and totally excited to be running again. I first want to thank all my followers for their kind remarks and support during my hiatus! I was very touched to learn of the number of people following my blog. Even though it doesn't show on my blog that there are many following, I received many email, calls and pokes inquiring about my return to the training. I have to say it's been a long 5 weeks since I last ran. I endured a few different experiences such as the flu, migraines, fatigue and even the hives. I really have no idea why my body broke down so much and decided that it wouldn't let me perform on the training track. But now after a few weeks off, I feel rested, energized and excited to push forward to catch up to meet my goal of running a marathon with my dad in October. Once again, thank you so much to the many people in my life who are supporting me in this endeavor and please know I will not let you down.
Today's Stats: Ran 6 miles, 9.65 km, in 1:02 hrs, avg pace 6:31/km, avg speed 9.2 km/h burned 843 cal

SAT July 24, 2010 3:00pm Overcast Temp 29   Feels Like 39   Wind SW 9   Humidity 66
I love all of you fans out there and love getting messages from you. I look forward to reconnecting with you on a daily basis to share my trials and tribulations of my teaching myself how to run a marathon.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 54 - night train!

So, another long day! Love to be busy but have to make sure I get my daily run in. So today I ended up running at 8:30pm, I only had a short 4 miles to run so I decided to go out on the trail as I'd be back before it got dark. I told Dan I was leaving and the if I wasn't back in 40mins to come looking for me. He had no dought I'd be back! I have to say running outside at night is ok, it's cooler in the summer so that is pleasant but I don't like the swarms of bugs that you end up running into. I think I must of eaten as least 4 or 5 bugs, yuck! The run itself was uneventful just took my time, don't want to over do it :)
Today's Stats: 4 miles, 6.48km in 43:01, avg pace of 6:38/km burned 557 cal

FRI June 18 8:30pm Cloudy Temp 24 Wind S 15 Humidity 57

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 53 - I'm Back

That time of the month finally over, my three day headache finally gone and I woke up this morning feeling fresh and excited for my run. I ran a an easy 5 miles. No stress no strain and really enjoyed getting outdoors after a few days off. I kind of have mixed feelings about taking a 4 days off. I definitely couldn't of done any running on Sunday, but I was only mildly sick on the other three days having a headache and little sleep. I guess in the long run it's better I took a few days to rest but I hope it won't ruin my process in training. I have to make sure I can keep up to my old man when we do the marathon! Glad to be back!

Today's Stats: 5miles, 8.04 km in 49:21 avg pace of 6:08/km burned 703 cal.
THU June 11th 08:00am Partly cloudy Temp 14 Wind N 19 Humidity 94  

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 49 - Hit the Wall

Ok, so I was sicker than a dog today!! It started at about 10pm last night and lasted all day today till 4:30pm. I'm finally up and about. I haven't eaten anything all day and just weighed myself 148lbs woo hoo, I guess one good thing to come from this awful feeling. I had many family members taking care of me today, from Dan holding my hair at the porceline king to Sophie rubbing my back saying 'Bobo maman Bobo?', I finally recovered and I hope to eat a little something in a bit.
So I guess this is my body telling me, take a break! This sickness pretty much stopped me dead in my tracks literally! I don't feel to bad as I did my long run yesterday instead of today so I only need to catch up by 3miles this week. I watched the Florida triathlon on TV this afternoon and a Canadian came in third, that was really great to see her last name was 'Tisseyer' anyone know her? Anyway, headache almost gone, stomach starting to come around...Booker bounces back fast! I'll be on the track tomorrow for sure. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 48 - Friendly Run

Today was suppose to be my easy day to run only 3miles but I had the chance to go running with a business colleague and good friend Dr. Nathalie Beachamp author of and I had to say yes even if we were going to run a 10k. It was great though because we did a casual run with great dialogue which is not something I get to do often as I'm usually always alone when I train. We also ran at 2pm in the afternoon which is another thing I'm not really use to as I just finished eating a salmon dinner at lunch. It was yummy but alot of food to eat right before running. I'm use to running on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Just before our run we bumped into Deborah MacDonald from EVOLV water and I drank a full bottle before going out on the trail so a good 2 miles into our run I really needed to go to the little girls room, I started thinking about what if that happens when I'm out running my marathon, will they have bathrooms along the course? Is that something normal for them to have? Do I stop or keep going? lol I guess it depends on how bad I have to go!
Overall a great run, with a great friend! :) Thanks Dr. Nat!
Todays stats aren't accurate as I got talking and forgot to stop the watch but here is what it says: 6miles, 9.78km, in 1:16, avg pace of 7:52/km burned 823 cal, not to warm but lots of humidity.
SAT June 12th at 2:00pm Overcast Temp 18 Wind NE 11 Humidity 88

Friday, June 11, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 44

5 miler completed on treadmill after mother duties were done- blog entry to come

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 42 - finished day with run

So today I had to but up, out the door half way across the city to drop Dan off and then at a restaurant downtown by 9am. Hence I didn't get my run in the morning. When I got home at noon I could run, because Sophie was sleeping and then by 5pm I left to go pick up Dan in Gatineau. So, I ended up leaving for my long run of 6 miles at 7pm. I kept telling myself that no matter what I have to run every day. If I miss a day I don't think I'll forgive myself and/or I'll probably let myself miss another day.
Stats today: 6 miles, 9.91km in 59:00mins, avg pace 5:57/km burned 892 cal, fairly easy run, I started on the run, took a fairly even and consistent pace and stayed that way for the whole run. Just an easy run. I'm pretty pleased with my avg pace as it's below 6/km. Really need to hold that for all future runs.
Looking forward to an easy little run tomorrow to rest my legs. They are getting pretty tiered these days.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 41 -tiered and still running

Today's Stats: 3miles, 4.83km in 28:14, avg pace 5:51/km burned 410 cal, runs seem to be going pretty good these days but I have to say, I"m tiered and my muscles are tight. Not sure if this is normal or if I'm getting to a new level of performance but I am awfully tiered. I'm sleeping 8 hrs a night but in pain some of the hours so not sleeping a full night like I should. So I guess the only thing I can think of doing is rest whenever I can, put my feet up as my legs are super tiered and fuel my body with lots of good food. Hope to turn around soon!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 40 - Gotta Run

So after a crazy week of family, work and running I didn't have much time to blog. I do however want you all to know I haven't missed a day yet. Even today when I thought I wasn't gonna get a chance to do my training, I forced myself to do my run when I got home from our family outing this evening at 8pm. First time running so late at night, but since I was on the treadmill, it wasn't so bad. I knew I had to run as I was starting to tighten up and needed to loosen the muscles get my stretching in and feel the burn.
I ran my 4miles slowly in 40mins. My watch doesn't work inside in the basement so I only have time and distance to share with you today. Really glad I got my run in. After such a big week I need lots of sleep now over the next two night to re-energize for my long run on Sunday.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 39 - Treadmill

So today was my first run on a treadmill. I had Sophie at home with me so I had to do my run on the treadmill.There is a big difference in the muscles you use to run on a treadmill compared to running outside. It almost seems reactive as appose to initiating the action if you can understand what I mean. I had to run 5 miles today so I ran for 50 mins just to make sure. It will be interesting to see, what my runs will fill like when I go back out on the trail.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 38 - Out and back

Just another day out on the trail. Today was a 4miler, 2 miles out and 2miles back. The runs all seem pretty routine these days. I like that fact that I'm familiar with the route I take but it's getting a bit monotonous. I guess I could pick a route up the hill but than that would a little extra work now wouldn't it. So I wondering when I should start putting in come hill work outs in combination with my run? Any suggestions?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 37 - run eats up my day

Today was a 5 miler, no stats as my watched died during the run. I forgot to plug it in the night before. For a 5 miler it was a pretty decent run. Came in around the 50min mark, no big upsets, feel pretty good the whole run. The only thing I think I should try and improve on is the overall time it takes for me to do my training, ie. get up, dressed, stretched, run, stretch, shower, etc. takes a good solid 2hours. It's eating up most of my morning. Gotta learn how to more efficient I think.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 36 - Faster Still

I have to say, I am very surprised and delighted that I am constantly improving my time.
Today's stats: 3miles, 4.84km in 28:32, avg pace 5:54/km burned 417 cal, great run, not to fast but just comfortable. I seem to be finding a rhythm that allows me to continually improve my time without much effort. Which is probably normal since I'm at a good age to peak in the sport, I should be able to find my own gradual pace to improve but I'm worried I'll plateau at some point and I'll really need a coach beside me. If I look ahead at my training program the 20 mile run that will come up in a month or two seems very daunting at the moment. I wonder how I will feel that day of? I wonder if I should go and make some running friends? I really enjoyed the Ottawa Race Weekend experience and it may be nice to have someone to push me a little bit here and there. Well beside my good old Dad who keeps on top of me to guide me on my training from a distance. I'm doing ok now but I"m just anticipating the future 'really long run days' will I be able to push myself?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 35 - Born to run

As I'm sure many people were taking in the festivities of the Ottawa Race Marathon downtown today. I was lacing up my sneakers to tackle my long run of the week.
Todays Stats: 6miles, 9.68km in 57:17, avg pace 5:55/km burned 879 cal, I felt really good today. Just went at it as if it was second nature. I was born to run, lovin' every minute of it.
I find it interesting to look at my split time as I usually only run the first 5km in 30mins and seem to make up time on the back half. I do get slow starts in the morning and don't really get loosened up till well into the first mile. That raises the question of how much do I need to warm up before this marathon. Do running do a 1/2 mile warm up before starting the race? I wonder what the ideal is. I know my muscles are pretty cold, stiff and tight at the beginning of my run. And also protecting my muscles from the cold. I remember back in 2004 at the beginning of the PEI marathon way out by the water, the wind and cool air would be just enough to freeze you up before a race. I'll have to plan wardrobe stations just keep be fit before, during and after the race. Or am I looking into this to much?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 34 - Ottawa Race Weekend

It's great to be a running at the end of May in Ottawa as it's Race Weekend here. The Ottawa Race Weekend is an amazing event that bring people together from all over the world. Today was a fun day as I got to run the 5km with a friend of mine Carrie Irvine. We have a great time running in the crowd of over 9000 runners, dodging the kids weaving in and out around all the runners to get to the front, bumping elbow with the runners beside us. What a great event to take part in and share with friends and family.
SAT May 29 5:00 pm A few clouds Temp 24 Wind N 22 Humidity 36

Today's Stats: 3miles, 5.14km in 31:06, avg pace 6:03/km burned 1010 cal, avg heart rate of 164bpm, what I liked about this run is I was surrounded with like minded people, the buzz was energetic, I got to share the experience with my girlfriend and felt like I was coasting the whole time. I initially set my time to beat was 29 mins but I'm happy with what I did as there was tonnes of traffic to dodge and running with someone else is not the norm for me. My avg pace was really great and an improvement for sure. Couldn't of asked for a better experience. Thanks to Carrie for sharing Ottawa Race Weekend with me and Dad I wish you as much fun and success as I just had. I really love this running thing!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 33 - TGIF

Awesome run today. Ran like clock work. The only little challenge I had was a charlie horse in my right calf muscle. I think I worked out most of it out during my run and did lots of stretching afterward to make sure it not come back.
FRI May 28th 08:00am Overcast Temp 15 Wind E 7 Humidity 72

Today's Stats: 3 miles, 6.46km in 40:26, avg pace 6:15/km burned 586 cal
It was nice to have some wind in my face this morning running along the river after the last few days of hot hot weather.
I see from my avg pace that I didn't really improve my time much. I wonder if  should be pushing a little harder to get my time down? In the training program is says easy, and so that is what I've been doing. Running easy! Not much extra effort or push. I guess I can save that for tomorrow as I have my 5km race to do at the Ottawa Race Weekend. Like Dad, I don't much like 5km distance races as I'll have to push really hard to beat my time. I can remember one race I did when I was a younger and there was a speed walker who almost beat me in my 5km race time. I was not impressed. I guess looking back at my 3mile times over the last few weeks, I should shoot for a just under 29mins. That would be a full 1min off my regular time. Still doesn't seem that fast, but I guess I was never really good at speed work. So, I'll under promise and over deliver!!
I also want to wish Dad and he's team good luck at the Cabot Trail Relay this weekend. Have fun guys!!
The Cabot Trail Relay Race is a 185 mile/276.33 km, 17 stage relay race throught some of the most beautiful scenery in the world...beginning in Baddeck, Cape Breton, over steep mountains in the Cape Breton Highlands National Park, through many small communities around the famous Cabot Trail, to the gently rolling Margaree Valley.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 32 - A way of life

So I've adopted running as a way of life now! I don't even realize it but I'm like on automatic mode when I get up in the morning and I just go through the process of getting up out of bed and get ready to go running right away. I don't even think about doing it or not doing it, I just do it. I've reach a point in the training program now that I'm comfortable with the distances I have to run on a daily basis, I'm able to increase my mileage weekly on a gradual basis and my muscles and ligaments are adjusting well to the workouts and stretching. I have less pain and if any pain does happen it's the good type of pain. Pain of muscles building! :)
Today on my run I found myself thinking about more than just running: am I running correctly, fast enough, in rhythm, was I breathing in my nose and out of my mouth, running with the ideal posture, checking the time, the distance and my heart rate, I found myself thinking about all the amazing positive things I've learned or experiences since I started training a mere 32 days ago. Below is a list of things I came up with during my 40 min run this morning:
-I get to enjoy nature daily
-breath fresh air
-getting daily exercise
-shedding weight
-building muscle
-learning disapline
-developing my writing skills
-daily reflections
-time to myself
-learning a new sport
-developing new habits
-becoming more healthy
-learning to listen to my body
-healing myself from the inside out
-daily stretching
-time to brainstorm the day ahead of me
-setting up systems and processes in time management
-good example for my family to stay in shape
-daily encounters with animals (rabbits, dogs, ducks, turtles, birds, squirrels etc.)
-working towards an amazing goal to run a marathon with my 67 year old DAD

I could go on and on with benefits of running daily but overall, I found that this running thing really isn't about running at's about living life. So all I can say is if you are looking for that connection with yourself, a time to relax, an opportunity to grow from within, give yourself an hour a day and exercise in someway. We all owe ourselves at least that, an hour!
THU May 27  08:00am A few clouds Temp 19 Wind E 20 Humidity 56
Today's stats: 4miles, 6.48km in 39:02, avg pace 6:02/km burned 585 cal, felt great today, not to hot, wind was great to feel on my face, I would say the only annoying thing was I had a little rock stuck in the treads of my shoe today that wouldn't come out but I guess that is the price you have to pay for running on gravel trails.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 31 - Hot stuff!

Have you ever ran in a sauna? Well, that's what if felt like running this morning! During the first half of my run it wasn't that bad. I did find it a bit hard to breath as the air was very thick and warm. But as the run went on, it was almost unbearable. By the time I got home it was 27 degrees outside and all I could do was make it inside as fast as I could to drink a glass of water. I couldn't even do my stretching right after my run, I was drenched with sweat and needed a shower ASAP.

WED May 26th 09:00am Clear Temp 25 Wind W 15 Humidity 65
Today's Stats: 4 miles, 6.44km in 40:32, avg pace of 6:18/km burned 556 cal, over all a good run but way way to hot. I'm going to have to start running at 6am to avoid this hot weather. I guess that means earlier bed time for me. I should probably drink an extra glass of water too before leaving for my run. I'm not bringing water with me at the moment as I'm only running short distances but once I get up near the 12 mile mark I'll carry water with me. Goal is to wake up early tomorrow to get my run in before is get's to hot!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 30 - Pavement vs Gravel

Dan said something really interesting this morning. 'You know Laura if you keep running the same route all the time you will not be giving yourself a full range of training your body will need to run the marathon.' Meaning if I keep running on gravel and running the same route I will get to comfortable and not be ready for what the marathon will throw at me. He said 'it's just like skiing, you can't just ski on nicely groomed trails all season and expect to improve your skiing, you need diversify and ski a variety of conditions like powder, ice etc. to build up your endurance.'
Gravel vs Pavement hmmmmmm gravel gets stuck in the bottom of my running shoes and sometimes little pieces of gravel end up inside my shoe but I can definitely see a difference on the pounding of my joints. It's a bit softer than the pavement. Running on pavement is much more stable than the crushed rock but I don't like the traffic!! So what did I do this morning, I decided to run a different route and to run on pavement instead of the crushed rock. Besides almost getting run over by a O.C. Transit bus, my run was good. I actually found it allot easier running on pavement as I didn't have to brace myself as much and I didn't have to be careful not to twist an ankle.
Tues May 25 08:00am Clear Temp 22 Wind W12 Humidity 58

Today's Stats: 5miles, 8.06km in 51:24, avg pace 6:23/km burned 744 cal, avg heart rate of 154 bpm, I felt pretty good, the first half of the run was on pavement so that went pretty smooth but I took the trail on the way back found it a lot harder. Meaning I had to concentrate more, stabilize my footing on the gravel and not to mention the trail has lots of up and down elevations to deal with, so I was a bit slower on the second half of the run. But over all a good run. Didn't push myself to hard today either as I'm trying to keep my runs withing the parameters of the training program that says '5 miles easy'. My time is a bit slow looking at my avg pace but it's within the range of what I've been running that last few weeks, so all is good.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 29 - All joy no pain!

What a run, it was so much fun to run today it felt so natural! I loved every step I took. After running 6 miles yesterday I was feeling good leaving the house this morning only having to run 3 miles. And boy was it fun! It was hot, really hot out but running today took no effort. I ran at an even pace, didn't try and over work myself. I had nothing but the feeling of love for the sport of running! I guess my lungs and muscles have reached a new level of performance.
Mon May 24 09:00am Clear Temperature 20 WindW 10  Humidity 58

Today's stats: 3miles, 4.85km in 30:28, avg pace 6:17/km burned 429 cal, avg heart rate of 162 bpm
Not sure what else to say, besides that it felt so good to have a day of running that was all joy and no pain or heavy breathing. This will be enough of a pick me up to keep me going for another month :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 28 - Floating on the Clouds

Great run today! I was up early, well early for a Sunday, I wanted to get my run in early as it was going to be a hot day. I started my run it was 18 degrees and it was 20 degrees by 9am when I finished. I was some glad to have started when I did. I was glad I got to go out first and when I got back Dan went for his bike ride. He says the heat doesn't bother him as he gets lots of cooling off from riding so fast! :)
So the weather details were:
SUN, May 23 08:00am Partly cloudy Temp 18 Wind E 7  Humidity 77
Running stats: 6 miles, 9.65km in 57:30, avg pace 5:57/km, burned 876 cal, avg heart rate 156 bpm,
Everything about the run was great, I felt good the whole run, usually it takes a couple of miles to get into it but today it was like I was floating on the clouds today. I sailed my way from one mile to the next, not to mention at the end of my run, I came across 3 different groups of  about 12 runners. Probably groups from the Running Room who were just starting their run for the day. I flew past them and it felt great. Gave me a little extra boost of energy to know other people were around. Looking forward to my race next weekend. Even though I'm only running the 5km, I think it will be alot of fun. I hope I can bring Sophie with me, I think she would enjoy all the action of the race weekend.
I read on Pete Egoscue's twitter page that if you only breath through your nose during a run or walk that you can rapidly increase your fitness. What do people think about this? I tried this for a bit on my run today but I found it hard to get the amount of oxygen I needed to run properly. I guess this type of exercise would be good for developing your lungs and to help you control your breathing. Anyone else have an opinion on this?
So every two weeks I give you an update on my physique.
Here it is:
                 PreTraining        End of Week 2     End of Week 4
Weight          156lbs                  154lbs                  152lbs
Neck              13"                      12 3/4"                 12 3/4"
Breasts           38"                        37"                     36 1/2"
Waist              32"                       31"                      30 1/2"
Above Hips    37"                        36 1/2"                36"
Hips               39"                        39"                      38 1/2"
Thigh              22"                        22"                      21 3/4"
Calfs              14 1/2"                  14"                       14"
Ankles             8 1/2"                    8 1/2"                8 1/2"
Arm               12 3/4"                  12 3/4"                11 3/4"
Wrist              6 1/4"                    6 1/4"                   6 1/4"

Not bad for 4 weeks of training, as my mom would say 'slice cheese' :)

Anyway, I'm excited about my run today, how I felt and pleased with my time. My 4 milers don't seem to daunting anymore after such a great run today. Have a great long weekend!