Saturday, October 9, 2010

7 Days till Marathon - Pumped and ready to rock the Island!

Since it's Thanksgiving this weekend I am reminded to give thanks for achieving the running success and minimal injury to date. I have 7 days left till the PEI marathon and I'm packing my bag now and getting ready to head to New Brunswick to spend the week with my parents before the run. Dad and I will have a chance to run a few times before the race to get use to each other and I'll be able to have a good rest and prepare well in advance for the big day.
Today's run went very smooth, it was a bit windy and cool but overall a great fall run. Beautiful fall colors surrounded me as I made my way down the newly paved path. Oh yah, did I forget to tell you, the city paved the running path along the river last week and now it's smooth as a baby's bum! More bikers on the trail now but less opportunity to twist an ankle.
Today's Stats: 6 miles, 9.75 km, in 55:08 mins, avg pace 5:39 /km, avg speed 10.6 km/h burned 881 cal
Today's Weather:
SAT Oct. 09, 2010 11:00am  A few clouds Temp 7 Wind NW 20 Humidity 57
Listened To: my default Power of Now, can't get enough to Tolle, he put me in a stat of mind or no mind that make running feel like I'm floating on clouds :)

P.S. If anyone has some pre marathon tips I should take into consideration....I'd love to hear from you.


  1. Hi Laura ... ran with your Dad this morning - he's in great shape for the run! Here are notes a running friend gave me before my first marathon in PEI last year:
    #1- handwash and stay away from sick or sniffling people; or even better avoid people all together!
    #2- eat normally but maybe a little less so you don't gain any unwanted lbs; save the beer and ice cream for after the race
    #3- don't worry, be happy, it'll be here soon enough and the weather forecast will change 5 more times and you'll get what you get
    #4 - oh yeah, take it really easy on Sat and try to stay off your feet as much as possible (this is very important) Don't get carried away with all the pre-race hype!

    Here is a link to my (lengthy) report on the marathon after I ran it last year:

    Good luck!

  2. Thanks Trevor for all your tips. I'll check out your blog for sure!
