Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 54 - night train!

So, another long day! Love to be busy but have to make sure I get my daily run in. So today I ended up running at 8:30pm, I only had a short 4 miles to run so I decided to go out on the trail as I'd be back before it got dark. I told Dan I was leaving and the if I wasn't back in 40mins to come looking for me. He had no dought I'd be back! I have to say running outside at night is ok, it's cooler in the summer so that is pleasant but I don't like the swarms of bugs that you end up running into. I think I must of eaten as least 4 or 5 bugs, yuck! The run itself was uneventful just took my time, don't want to over do it :)
Today's Stats: 4 miles, 6.48km in 43:01, avg pace of 6:38/km burned 557 cal

FRI June 18 8:30pm Cloudy Temp 24 Wind S 15 Humidity 57

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 53 - I'm Back

That time of the month finally over, my three day headache finally gone and I woke up this morning feeling fresh and excited for my run. I ran a an easy 5 miles. No stress no strain and really enjoyed getting outdoors after a few days off. I kind of have mixed feelings about taking a 4 days off. I definitely couldn't of done any running on Sunday, but I was only mildly sick on the other three days having a headache and little sleep. I guess in the long run it's better I took a few days to rest but I hope it won't ruin my process in training. I have to make sure I can keep up to my old man when we do the marathon! Glad to be back!

Today's Stats: 5miles, 8.04 km in 49:21 avg pace of 6:08/km burned 703 cal.
THU June 11th 08:00am Partly cloudy Temp 14 Wind N 19 Humidity 94  

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 49 - Hit the Wall

Ok, so I was sicker than a dog today!! It started at about 10pm last night and lasted all day today till 4:30pm. I'm finally up and about. I haven't eaten anything all day and just weighed myself 148lbs woo hoo, I guess one good thing to come from this awful feeling. I had many family members taking care of me today, from Dan holding my hair at the porceline king to Sophie rubbing my back saying 'Bobo maman Bobo?', I finally recovered and I hope to eat a little something in a bit.
So I guess this is my body telling me, take a break! This sickness pretty much stopped me dead in my tracks literally! I don't feel to bad as I did my long run yesterday instead of today so I only need to catch up by 3miles this week. I watched the Florida triathlon on TV this afternoon and a Canadian came in third, that was really great to see her last name was 'Tisseyer' anyone know her? Anyway, headache almost gone, stomach starting to come around...Booker bounces back fast! I'll be on the track tomorrow for sure. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 48 - Friendly Run

Today was suppose to be my easy day to run only 3miles but I had the chance to go running with a business colleague and good friend Dr. Nathalie Beachamp author of and I had to say yes even if we were going to run a 10k. It was great though because we did a casual run with great dialogue which is not something I get to do often as I'm usually always alone when I train. We also ran at 2pm in the afternoon which is another thing I'm not really use to as I just finished eating a salmon dinner at lunch. It was yummy but alot of food to eat right before running. I'm use to running on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Just before our run we bumped into Deborah MacDonald from EVOLV water and I drank a full bottle before going out on the trail so a good 2 miles into our run I really needed to go to the little girls room, I started thinking about what if that happens when I'm out running my marathon, will they have bathrooms along the course? Is that something normal for them to have? Do I stop or keep going? lol I guess it depends on how bad I have to go!
Overall a great run, with a great friend! :) Thanks Dr. Nat!
Todays stats aren't accurate as I got talking and forgot to stop the watch but here is what it says: 6miles, 9.78km, in 1:16, avg pace of 7:52/km burned 823 cal, not to warm but lots of humidity.
SAT June 12th at 2:00pm Overcast Temp 18 Wind NE 11 Humidity 88

Friday, June 11, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 44

5 miler completed on treadmill after mother duties were done- blog entry to come

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 42 - finished day with run

So today I had to but up, out the door half way across the city to drop Dan off and then at a restaurant downtown by 9am. Hence I didn't get my run in the morning. When I got home at noon I could run, because Sophie was sleeping and then by 5pm I left to go pick up Dan in Gatineau. So, I ended up leaving for my long run of 6 miles at 7pm. I kept telling myself that no matter what I have to run every day. If I miss a day I don't think I'll forgive myself and/or I'll probably let myself miss another day.
Stats today: 6 miles, 9.91km in 59:00mins, avg pace 5:57/km burned 892 cal, fairly easy run, I started on the run, took a fairly even and consistent pace and stayed that way for the whole run. Just an easy run. I'm pretty pleased with my avg pace as it's below 6/km. Really need to hold that for all future runs.
Looking forward to an easy little run tomorrow to rest my legs. They are getting pretty tiered these days.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 41 -tiered and still running

Today's Stats: 3miles, 4.83km in 28:14, avg pace 5:51/km burned 410 cal, runs seem to be going pretty good these days but I have to say, I"m tiered and my muscles are tight. Not sure if this is normal or if I'm getting to a new level of performance but I am awfully tiered. I'm sleeping 8 hrs a night but in pain some of the hours so not sleeping a full night like I should. So I guess the only thing I can think of doing is rest whenever I can, put my feet up as my legs are super tiered and fuel my body with lots of good food. Hope to turn around soon!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 40 - Gotta Run

So after a crazy week of family, work and running I didn't have much time to blog. I do however want you all to know I haven't missed a day yet. Even today when I thought I wasn't gonna get a chance to do my training, I forced myself to do my run when I got home from our family outing this evening at 8pm. First time running so late at night, but since I was on the treadmill, it wasn't so bad. I knew I had to run as I was starting to tighten up and needed to loosen the muscles get my stretching in and feel the burn.
I ran my 4miles slowly in 40mins. My watch doesn't work inside in the basement so I only have time and distance to share with you today. Really glad I got my run in. After such a big week I need lots of sleep now over the next two night to re-energize for my long run on Sunday.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 39 - Treadmill

So today was my first run on a treadmill. I had Sophie at home with me so I had to do my run on the treadmill.There is a big difference in the muscles you use to run on a treadmill compared to running outside. It almost seems reactive as appose to initiating the action if you can understand what I mean. I had to run 5 miles today so I ran for 50 mins just to make sure. It will be interesting to see, what my runs will fill like when I go back out on the trail.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 38 - Out and back

Just another day out on the trail. Today was a 4miler, 2 miles out and 2miles back. The runs all seem pretty routine these days. I like that fact that I'm familiar with the route I take but it's getting a bit monotonous. I guess I could pick a route up the hill but than that would a little extra work now wouldn't it. So I wondering when I should start putting in come hill work outs in combination with my run? Any suggestions?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 37 - run eats up my day

Today was a 5 miler, no stats as my watched died during the run. I forgot to plug it in the night before. For a 5 miler it was a pretty decent run. Came in around the 50min mark, no big upsets, feel pretty good the whole run. The only thing I think I should try and improve on is the overall time it takes for me to do my training, ie. get up, dressed, stretched, run, stretch, shower, etc. takes a good solid 2hours. It's eating up most of my morning. Gotta learn how to more efficient I think.