Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 62 - Kicking ASS!!

It took me a bit longer to get out the house today to do my run. I wanted to make sure everything was just perfect from the clothes I was wearing to the audio I would listen to. I decided to start with the audio book 'The Power of Now' and then switched to 'The seven habits of highly successful people', these classics never get old to me as, each time I listen to them I learn something new or have a totally different perspective on the lessons.\
As for my run, I kicked ass!!   check out my avg pace - totally respectable!  :)
I was totally siked for my run this morning. I started out slow and steady but really didn't have one pain, issue or dought. I just went out there and did it. The only funny thing that happened is that I underestimated the distance and ended up running in a subdivision for a bit till I found my way out and headed down the highway. Then it was just straight running. Really enjoyed my run this morning and I'm really looking forward to the next few months of training and then of course the grand finally the Marathon with my DAD!!
Woo Hoo!! ok, now for a shower...

SAT July 31, 2010 10:00am Partly cloudy Temp 19 Wind NE 6 Humidity 52
Today's Stats: 10.13 miles, 16.29 km in 1:44:41, avg pace 6:26/km, avg speed 9.3 km/h burned 1480 cal

Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 61 - increasing energy

A relaxing out and back 3 mile run this morning. Getting ready for my long run tomrrow am. I adjusted my training schedule a bit to catch up to be running 35 miles a week this week so I have to put in a 10 mile run tomorrow. I"m not to worried about it, I have lots of motivational audio to keep me going and I'll just take it easy. It won't be a run that I'm looking at my time, just to make sure I have the endurance to finish it. I don't think I lost much endurance from my 5 weeks hiatus because my avg pace time is pretty close to what it was before I had my break. Only time will tell. Today I listened to Anthony Robbins - 'Learn to increase your energy', it was great to hear his perspective on how to increase energy from his 'Living Health' program. A couple of things I learned: cells in your body will function better if you are maximizing your breathing performance, breath in for 1 count, hold for 4 counts, exhale for 2 counts do this 10 time 3 times a day,  and the second thing is to eat water rich foods - 70% of your diet should consist of water based foods like fruit, veggies and sprouts ( I need to work on this one!)
FRI July 30, 2010 8:00am A few clouds Temp 15 Wind N 15 Humidity 63
Today's Stats: 3miles in 30.03, avg pace 9:49/mi, 440 cal

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 60 - weird bruises

Every so often my knees hurt a little from running, but not so much that I would talk about it, as it usually only lasts for a day or so and then goes away. Well this week it's a bit different, I developed bruises on the inner upper part of both of my knees. It's really weird, it's like the muscles got used that normally don't get used and then broke small capillaries around the area due to the extreme exertion. They don't hurt but it looks a little funny! I find the body to be amazing, it's constantly try to communicate to us. Now all we have to do is make sure we are listening...

THU July 29, 2010 8:00 am Clear Temp 17 Wind NW 15 Humidity 68
Today's Stats:5 miles, 8:05 km in 47:40 mins, avg pace 5:55 /km, 10:01 km/h burned 710 km

And talking about listening to our bodies, I must of been feeling pretty good to have a avg pace time of under 6mins/km, woo hoo! Just back at it and already kickin' butt!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 59 - Pre and Post just as important

So finally my muscles are getting use to running again. It's been a few tough days of getting going but once I'm out running, they warm up to the idea of being out on the open road and they start performing. I"m not a 100% back in the routine as I forgot to charge my watch last night so I have no stats for you today, but I assure you I ran my 4 miles exactly as I had paced out the distance earlier this week.
I've been really trying to make sure I focus on my pre and post stretching and strength training, as I secretly would love to someday get some abs! I'm not really putting that out there yet as I want to get through this marathon first and then maybe I'll take on the ab goal! I do however  integrate small little exercises in my routine to wake them up and get them ready for the someday big push on for defining what and if anything actually exist in that mid section!
Anyway, all that to say. The running is going well, I've got that down pretty good now. Just need to integrate all the other little pieces like clean eating, drinking lots of water, rest, daily blogging etc.
Really glad I'm back at it...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 58 - won't do that again!

So running at high noon when the sun is at it's hottest is not the best time to run. I was only doing a little 5 miler so I didn't bring any water with me, big mistake. Plus, I didn't have sun screen on and I brunt my face, so when I was finished running I had an inch wide band across my forehead! Can you say coolio!
My daily routine of running early in the morning got shifted a bit since my mom was in town for one night as a stop over on her way back from Calgary. What we do for our mother's! lol
After not running for a few weeks I really have forgotten all the little things I should be doing to get ready for my dash out the door. I almost forgot to wear my watch today too. I guess I'm just so excited to get out the door.
I do have a confession to make...I walked today. Yes, I know, I know. It's not in my belief system to ever walk, even if I can do a really slow trot, I'll do that before walking but I think it was the heat that brainwashed me into thinking I was still running as it was so super hot out at I think 30 degrees. Anyway, I will take this as a learning opportunity and won't go running at the hottest time of day and little water! :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 57 - inspired & motivated, bring it on!

Have I ever told you that I listen to motivational audio recordings while doing my morning runs? When I first started out running I would try and listen to music and the beat never matched my running pace and that frustrated me more than encouraged me to run faster. So I tried listening to all my favorite personal development heros like Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn etc. and I love it. It's the best of both worlds. I get to workout my body and brain all at the same time.
A friend of mine was telling me that there is a saying out there that 'runners are running way from something...', I like to think I'm running to something, something big bold and ideal future.
Every morning I get to exercise my mind and train it to think and act positive, this fuels me for the rest of the day and allows me to be at my best. It never gets old and I will be the first to say, we need to hear this stuff a few 100 times before we actually apply it to our lives and act on it...this morning I listened to 101 ways to motivate yourself by Tony Robbins...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 56 - Feeling Good!

It's great knowing I'm back at the training. I was feeling pretty good this morning after my 10 km run yesterday. I did my stretching and trotted out the door to do a little 4 miler this morning. As long as I start out slow and pace myself, getting back into the daily training I think will go pretty good. My lungs don't seem to have lost much of their endurance I built up during the first 50 days of training. It's my muscles I'm worried about! I have to make sure I'm stretching and catering to them as much as possible as I do tend to develop inflammation pretty easy.
SUN July 25, 2010 11:00am Partly cloudy Temp 20 Wind NW 22 Humanity 64
Today's Stats: 4 miles, 6.44km in 42:46 mins, avg pace 6:39 /km, avg speed 9.0km/h, burned 558 cal. My time is not what it use to be but I'm sure after a couple of weeks back at it I'll get my avg pace back to 6 /km.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 55 - Back at it!

I'm back, and totally excited to be running again. I first want to thank all my followers for their kind remarks and support during my hiatus! I was very touched to learn of the number of people following my blog. Even though it doesn't show on my blog that there are many following, I received many email, calls and pokes inquiring about my return to the training. I have to say it's been a long 5 weeks since I last ran. I endured a few different experiences such as the flu, migraines, fatigue and even the hives. I really have no idea why my body broke down so much and decided that it wouldn't let me perform on the training track. But now after a few weeks off, I feel rested, energized and excited to push forward to catch up to meet my goal of running a marathon with my dad in October. Once again, thank you so much to the many people in my life who are supporting me in this endeavor and please know I will not let you down.
Today's Stats: Ran 6 miles, 9.65 km, in 1:02 hrs, avg pace 6:31/km, avg speed 9.2 km/h burned 843 cal

SAT July 24, 2010 3:00pm Overcast Temp 29   Feels Like 39   Wind SW 9   Humidity 66
I love all of you fans out there and love getting messages from you. I look forward to reconnecting with you on a daily basis to share my trials and tribulations of my teaching myself how to run a marathon.